barbaralba's first book report since college:


Philip Wylie


Chapter Seven

Quote: A thinking child would not think too much of school. end quote.

And there you have it. Our schools dissuade us kids.

To think.

But I will mention that I've had many teachers who actually encouraged it.

And we certainly learned how to learn and do a great deal in a short time.

Or lose sleep.

If you have learned enough, to read this, you can learn to think so that it becomes part of your instinct.

We are brutal animal.

We can be very brilliant at times.

The oil companies own our schools.

Chapter 8 quote:

But I suspect that our next effort as common men will be, again, exploitatious and world wide, and that we will embark upon it with holy words and even, to some extent, with humanitarian purpose.
end quote.

Wylie goes on to describe for us what the US would be doing now.

Not because he's a prophet. Because it was obvious if you understand how evil empires work.

Most Empires were or are mostly evil.

And the common man is an idiot.

Again like Nietzsche said. loose quote: Our mistake as a culture is to honor the common man (what is similar) and ignore what is different. end not well remembered quote.

So fuck it.

We'll go to 9.

Chapter 9

Here Wylie writes about opposites. Did they have quantum mechanics in 1941. They musta. It's been around billions of years. Some of the eastern Religions are based on this two thing being one and in two different spaces.

The yin yang thing we all know symbolizes this two sides folding forever into one another. Sort of Escher like. The white side with a black spot, eye, the black with a white.

With two bridges from the spots, eyes.

It is how the universe seems to function.

But there are exceptions.


The Jew and Hitler are of course talked about. The world was in the famous second world war.

Now we are in the third.

Though it's not called that yet. The fall of America. One more lost Empire of genocide, slavery, murder and all the other horrors of the Lords of metal.

And other resources.

By the way.

chapters 10 - 12