steve howard's translation of torah




chapter 37

With brother Esau in Seir, Jacob was happy to stay in the cursed company of the Canaanites.

Joseph told his dad that his brothers were bad. So Jacob made Joseph a nice shirt. Wait. Vs. 3: an ornamented tunic. EQ.

So his brothers hated him.

Then Joseph started telling of his dreams.

“I had a dream where I am ruler over all my brothers and they bow to me.”

“What. You wanna rule over us.”

That was a wheat dream, bails of wheat bowing to the one that stands tall. Then he did the astrological dream.

Vs. 9: And this time, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing to me.” EQ.

Jacob said, “What the fuck. I, your dead mother and 11 brothers bowing to you.”

Just a silly question: how do stars bow.

One day, Jacob told Joseph to go check on his brothers and the flocks. So Joseph went to Hebron and a man said they were in Dothan.

And when his brothers saw Joseph coming to check up on them they conspired to kill him. Naturally.

“We’ll say a savage beast killed him.”
The brothers took off Joseph’s tunic and threw the boy in a pit. With no water. Having decided not to kill him with their hands. Just leave him to starve. But some relatives were passing by, the Ishmaelites. And they had their camels loaded up to sell goods in Egypt.

“Hey, why kill our brother when we can sell him into slavery.”

They got 20 pieces of silver for the young man.

When Reuben went to the pit later to get his brother out, he was befuddled. For he was not aware of the transaction his other brothers had made with the Ismaelites.

They slaughtered a kid and dipped the tunic in its blood. They likely ate the kid. Then they went back to Jacob.

“Hey, Dad, look what we found. You don’t happen to know whose tunic this might be.”

“Oh, a wild beast has eaten my son. I’m a gonna have to wail my way down to Sheol.”

Meanwhile, camera cuts to Egypt where the Midianites had somehow got hold of Joseph from the Ismaelites and sold him to Potiphar, the Pharaoh’s top personal butler.

No mention of a price but likely some profit. And a sore ass for Joseph.

chapter 38

Disconnection. Judah left his family and married a Canaanite, Shua. And had sex. First son Er. Second Onan. Third Shelah. Judah got a wife for Er, Tamar. But the Lord didn’t like Er and put an end to his life. So, as was tradition, the next son must seed her. That was Onan. But their was a clause that said his seed was his dead brother’s and thus Onan would not receive father credit for doing his duty.

So he ejaculated not inside of Tamar but on the bed or the floor or her feet. That pissed off the Lord, so he killed the second son of Judah.

Judah sent Tamar to her dad until Shelah was old enough to seed Tamar. Judah didn’t want his third son dead too.

Later, when Shelah was grown up and Tarar still was not seeded, thus a worthless creature, she saw Judah, her father-in-law, and changed from her widow clothing so that Judah thought she was a harlot and thus naturally offered a kid goat to fuck her. He didn’t have the kid goat with him so he agreed to leave a deposit. Vs. 18: “Your seal and cord, and the staff which you carry.” EQ

Well, she got pregnant then and there.

Vs. 20: Judah sent the kid by his friend the Adullamite, to redeem the pledge from the woman; but he could not find her. EQ.

Vs. 21: “Where is the cult prostitute, the one at Enaim, by the road?” EQ.

Well, weren’t none; so he went back to Judah before everyone laughed at him.

Now this is a good example of our laws that favor men and degrade women. Tamar was with child by her harlotry.

Vs. 24: “… let us burn her.” EQ.

Luckily for Tamar, she still had Judah’s stick and he knew he should have made his third son fuck her.

So this time the woman wasn’t burnt.

Western religion is a mockery. A vile lie.

She had twins. One stuck his hand out, got a red ribbon and went back in to wait for his brother to get out first. And so what.

chapter 39

We are back to the Ishmaelites selling Joseph to Potipher. The Pharaoh’s chief steward. He quickly took a liking to Joseph because Joseph was good at everything he did. And the Lord blessed the whole house. He, Joseph was given charge of everything.

‘Sept, of course, the wife.

Vs. 6: Now Joseph was well built and handsome. EQ.

His master’s wife, who apparently was under sexed, said, vs. 7 “Lie with me.” EQ.

“No I can’t do it.”

Well one day he came into the house and no one was there but the wife of Potipher.

“Fuck me. I tell you to fuck me.”

Vs. 12: She caught hold of him by his garment and said, “Lie with me!” But he left his garment in her hand and got away and fled outside. EQ.

There might be another side to this story, but we will not venture upon it here.

She told the servant he tried to dally with her. And when her man came home she said it again.

Dally means fuck. Or, have sex with.

The Hebrew slave was promptly put in jail.

And the Lord made the jailer like Joseph and put him in charge of the jailhouse.

chapters 40 - 42