Aaron: the fall of America. by Joanne B. Washington. John Rah RF36 Future Fiction making history of Science Fiction

aaron_the fall of america_chapter_50

Chapter 50

I wasn't sure if it was my decision to go to Washington, my teacher's, or Zizith and his associates. Sometimes I thought that Zizith was part of the same organisation as my teacher. He was merely in a roll of civil disobedience because they knew I was the type to be attracted to that kind of dedication to pseudo anarchy.

It bothered me that I was certain it wasn't my decision. I was suspicious of my two new partners who were more than willing to help me any way they could. They seemed to know their way around Washington and the procedures of the White House.

After a few days of viewing the Smithonians, they had somehow found out about a day trip of the president and his lack of security. Key members of security where on other missions and Washington had been such a quiet place in the last few years that security was no longer watching as closely for attempts on the president’s life. He was so loved by all.

I hadn't mentioned to my new partners my intentions but they appeared to know. They managed to give me details about what time and where exactly he would be, how much security, what weapons they had and the easiest way for an assassin to get at him.

It was his birthday ritual to walk freely as any other man. He walked with his wife and security men were not to be seen. Of course they were throughout the park. I had seen twenty men leave the White House early in the morning. They had tiny headsets so that they could communicate with each other.

The president and his wife were being followed also by another small group of security. I followed them and wondered how to dispose of them without being shot. The longer I watched for an opportunity the more I knew my chances where not as good as I had be led to believe. While it looked like he was defenceless, there also was a force field illusion around him.

I was considering giving up when they were walking around the big square lake. From every direction, including the lake, came young people carrying signs and chanting. They had gathered so suddenly that security was behind them running desperately to get to the president. The president had stopped to watch and listen. He had a pleasant smile and was trying to explain something to the gathering crowd.

As I ran toward the crowd, I noticed that security was beating the people with wooden clubs to get through. I followed one of the more efficient skull crackers. Felling youth like cutting a way through the jungle, he led me to the president, who, until I arrived, had been unharmed. I managed to snap his neck before I was beaten into submission.

I was hand cuffed and dragged into a police car. Others were being gathered into patty wagons. Those who tried to run away were shot.

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by Joanne B. Washington

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