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john rah reporting the story under not at all related pictures

... okay, let's talk the talk of the day,
what terrorist blew what terrorists away.
everything we say is uses by the nsa.

look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it.
look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it.
look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it.
look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it. look people, if you are not seeing the picture, forget it.

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