steve howard's retelling of the new testament


Paul's first letter to the THESSALONIANS


chapter 04

vs. 3: God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality. EQ.

vs. 8: So then, whoever rejects this teaching is not rejecting man, but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit. EQ.

“That is simply a lie. For the only rules ever written have been written by the ruling class or their whores.”

Paul harps on this. It is a matter of definition. He never really tells us what immorality is other than outside of marriage. There really is only one kind of sexual immorality. Rape. And that can hardly be defined as sex.

“So we are forced to disagree with Paul once more.”

“Yes, we are forced to say that the concept of sexual immorality is a grand farce. It suggests that there is something wrong with evolution. It suggests that evolution has been immoral several billion years. To suggest such a thing is madness. The motivation for this fear of sex can only be speculated. One reason, of course, is the fact that indiscriminant sex increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, a big problem when there is little to nothing known about diseases. And for this reason it is still necessary to execute some caution. But this does not make sex immoral, simply potentially dangerous. Like driving a car.”

“There are the selfish reasons for propagating fear of sex.”

“We have become creatures aware and procreating has taken on a new role in our lives. But the idea of not having sex before being licensed by a religious order is the abuse of power. And the history of this law stems from the desire of the Lords to have the first child of as many virgins as their sexual desires would allow. The Lords, and soldiers, wanted to have the virgins.”

“That would make the Lords and their whores the sexually immoral.”

“Damn right it does.”

The fountain of youth was not a secret to pre-patriarchal primates.

“What is the fountain of youth.”

“The fountain of youth is the second man in. Typically a woman would have but two children from one man. The third child would be fathered by another man. In the fountain of youth model, the second man in was typically older. Less obsessed with sexual norms. He entered in a threesome with the pair and consumed the sperm of the younger man, the fountain of youth, and had sex with the woman.”

“Is that true.”

“It was at one time. Before patriarchy forbade it. And there are hints that Jesus may have been inclined to partake in this celebration.”

Nature has not defined a family as one man one woman. A family, by nature, is a larger group. In such a group, a child has two or three acting fathers and two or three acting mothers. It increases the chances that the child will have a better general education and support from adults. And the child has many brothers and sisters. And it keeps the gene pool stronger. Having a Lord rape many women is not good for the gene pool, never mind moral.

It may have been a better way to raise children and a good way to get away from the madness of ownership.

Forcing the now standardized one man with one woman family model upon us makes us better consumers. Not likely the reason for it but the result of it. A family that is loosely 6 or 8 adults needs but one drill. Maybe only one fire or stove. Divide them up into four small families sell more things. Force more people to work. And minimize communication.

vs. 11: Make it your aim to live a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to earn your own living... EQ.

Obey the rules, buy what is sold you, make it your goal to have rather than to live. It is a crippling rule. It has made the social animal into a reclusive animal.

Communication will take us to the heavens. Not a model family after the model of the dictators.

Vs. 16: There will be the shout of command, the archangel’s voice, the sound of God’s trumpet, and the Lord himself will come down from heaven. Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; 17. then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. EQ.

And that is what is defined as deluded fantasy.

chapter 05

vs. 2: ... the Day of the Lord will come as a thief comes at night. EQ.

No it will not. Each and every day comes the same. The planet spins round and round like it has since about 5 billion years and will keep doing so until something real big smashes into it, which is possible but no highly probable. Or in about 5 billion years the sun becomes too hot and big and burns it up. We will be able to control the sun by then.

Or we will have to leave before then. We will, some of us will, be leaving soon. Not by going up into heaven with the Lord but by building starships.

And again, Jesus Christ was not a Lord. It is a way of consciousness, as Paul has even on occasion admitted. And the day from which he may be hinting has come. It is the age of awakening. The conscious primate with the instinct we call common sense. It is for sure a grand event but it is still mostly unnoticed.

Jesus Christ is here. The angel in the beast is here. The gods that are us are here. We need only to look and see.

To quicker see the angels, leave your religion and other mind fuck media and entertainment and go for a slow walk. Leave your religions and convictions and be a free creature. Find the here and now.

Angels don’t need laws for they have common sense.

second thessalonians chapters 01 - 03