steve howard's update of the new testament


The Gospel According to MATTHEW


chapter 19

Religious writings are a deliberate abuse of language and meaning.

And Jesus crossed the Jordan and met some Priests who were prepared not to like him, challenge his authority. Question the man who dared question the authority of the priests. Now something most readers of the various Bibles tend to forget is that the new system, in this case, the Romans in Israel, comes in with full intention to oust the previous system. The Jewish procedure was to murder everyone so nothing was left over to poison the laws of Moses. Such as someone who wasn’t a moron slave. A bastard like Jesus.

The Romans were a little different. Not much, but the New Testament was written with the intent to become the main mind virus. Like the Old Testament, it is full of contradictory children stories. Hate toward women and obedience to the almighty power from above. God was the name of the authority of the ruling class. Or one could say, justification for dictatorship and war. Rape and plunder.

So Jesus was the character that was to put an end to the Jewish Laws and start up the Roman Laws. Jesus, the man, let’s for the sake of argument just pretend he was real, had a slightly different game plan. He, of course, gets buried by the hard backwards words of Paul, the Jewish women hater.

Your narrator’s objective is to dig Jesus out of the lie a little so we can get beyond the holy belief in God paranoia. Jesus, the man, was a pagan. A heathen. Not a holy maker of laws for the Roman mind fuck.

And the topic of adultery is bombastic. Moses says divorce is okay under some conditions. One condition is, you have murdered the young girl’s family and take her as a sex slave and then later, either she’s too old or too anything and the half sister you marry wants her gone, then you send her on her way. And there are so many other reasons you can use to get rid of a wife you no longer want. But the whole marriage ritual is simply a ritual. Ownership before God. And there is no God. And the simple truth is, if a sexual partnership is no longer of interest to those involved, the religious pricks and the state can mind their own fucking business. Which is the way it is in some countries. And sex without marriage is no longer regarded as a crime.

Thank fuck.

One spouse for one life is not a law. It is a choice. And Jesus was not the type of man to be making laws about who can copulate with whom under what regulations. In fact, he had sex with more than one partner.

The law of no adultery is simply absurd. It is a demonstration of power from the ruling class. You will be what we tell you to be. And what many casual Bible readers fail to understand is that the ruling class had a good reason to have the citizens maintain their virginity until they were married under the law.

The first son was often that of the king’s. As was Jesus. As was Isaac. As was Moses. As were so many. Bastards of the ruling class.

And you don’t have to go into history to witness this. Just visit a country under military occupation. Rape is one of the payments of war.

Every animal, birds, insects and most plants are sexual creatures, having sex and mutating millions and millions of years. Law about sex is a new and perverted madness from tyrants that should be locked up and never let out. Repent of your evil ways you vile worms of hate religions.

Genesis 3 vs. 22: “... He must not be allowed to take from the tree that gives life, eat it, and live for ever.”

Who are these mad men we have taken to be our holy leaders. These thieves who take and hide knowledge and eternal life under their ownership.

Then Jesus tells the disciples once again not to send the kids away. This is not the men’s club.

And some guy wanted eternal life and he had been obeying the laws of Moses but didn’t want to sell his things and follow Jesus ‘cause he was rich. And rich people can’t get their camel through the famous eye of the needle. Which is obviously either over stated or the needle ain’t to sow with but rather a rock formation there somewhere that don’t allow packed camels through.

But whatever.

There is a thread of truth there. Being rich, or the mad desire to be rich, can really lay into your life so that all your time is eaten up with gold fever. And gold fever can make one blind. And when the whole world has gold fever, we forget the planet is a living thing. The rich suffer from the illusion of believing they own what they have. That what they own is theirs and thus can do with it what they please. And this can lead to destruction of much life.

The human primates have become a caustic parasite. Their myopic plunder greed and power mania has scarred the planet that is in real reality a small piece of paradise.

Peter wanted to know what the bunch of them would get.

“Same as Jacob. Twelve thrones to rule the twelve tribes of Israel.”

Our how about this. Fuck off. You get a kick in the teeth. You get a pain in your back. You get old and die. What you get is a license to go fuck your self.

Okay. How about you get to be part of eternity. You get to experience heaven in the present. You get to be a conscious creature with unprecedented intelligence. Self and external awareness.

There is infinity and in it there are infinite possibilities. One day we will awaken and know that we are the gods and will look back at the beginning of learning how to perceive the universe. And we will laugh at the thousands of years we let some mad maniacs sell us a farce that cost us thousands of years of brutal slavery. And we will try to remember for the next time we have to journey into a new universe not to be so bloody gullybull.


chapter 20

One of the preachers I often had the pleasure to listen to liked this story of the workers hired throughout the day. At the end of the day all the workers received a day’s wages. And though the early ones got what was agreed upon, they didn’t like that the workers who worked half as long received the same pay.

Well, too bad, everyone got was agreed upon.

I guess for kids the story might explain something. But it hardly explains how the last shall be first and first shall be last. The story of first and last is a bigger event. It has to do with the owners, the ruling class, and the slave class, or working class. And what is often ignored is the fact that we do not own the planet. We are one creature among many. And we are also in their service. Our responsibility comes with our ability. So when the first become last, the last must remember that the ‘them and us’ game is over.

Our first service to the rest of life is to deal with the disaster we call the industrial revolution. The poison revolution.

Jesus tells his disciples about the crucifixion plan.

“We are going to go to Jerusalem and it has been arranged that the priests and scribes are going to have me arrested.”

“Then why are we going to Jerusalem.”

“I just told you. I’m going to be put in prison, stand trial for blasphemy, get whipped and hung on a cross.”

“Why don’t we take a ship to Europe.”

“Because this is the theater we are playing. And even if I die on the cross I still must do it.”

“But why.”

“We’ve been through this. It must not be forgotten that the sun is on the cross and when it is time for the sun to come off the cross in the spring of 2009, it will happen and a new age will dawn and slavery will come to an end. We will become angels on Earth.”

“If you say so.”

The grandmother of James and John came to petition Jesus, in the names of her sons, the thrones to the left and right of Jesus.

Which shows she, likely Anna, the mother of Joseph, completely missed the point.

“There will be no more thrones. There will be no more kings and queens.”

And the other 10 got offended as if her nonsense had a bearing on real reality.

Jesus tells them, if you wanna be great, you gotta serve. And Jesus figured his service for the end of antievolution religion would be hanging on the cross.

Not to pay for sins. Sins are a ruling class conspiracy. The only sins that are sins are crimes against life. Crimes against the freedom of choice.

Any how. Jesus, the man, didn’t intend to die on the cross. He intended to make a show of it and when the show was over, he and his woman and children would retire to Italy. Open a roadside café and sell bagels with olive past and goat cheese.

chapter 21

“Okay. Time to go to Jerusalem and show those holy lying Priests and Lawyers what we think of the bloody laws of Moses and their royalty farce.”

So they get Jesus a donkey and a colt. And they go a riding into the bloody holy city. Now if one is not used to the language of old text one might think Jesus meant take the first donkey and colt you find and say the Lord, or as the Good News Bible says, Master, requires them. Well, they were not the donkey and colt of a stranger. They might have belonged to Jesus.

Not an important point. Except that it is necessary to understand that all this nonsense about Jesus doing miracles is over played.

A prophet had written it in the script that the King was gonna come a riding in on an ass. So, that’s what he did.

It shows an element of humility. It shows something seldom mentioned.

The finger.

No reverence for the establishment. Jesus showed that his theater required no pomp to get done what Jesus and his team wanted to get done. Piss off the Jewish establishment. Thou it is seldom mentioned, part of his team included Romans in the Roman court. Many of them women.

The crowds might have understood that Jesus represented hope for improvement. They called him the Prophet Jesus of Nazareth of Galilee. He represented the people. Unfortunately, the crowd was an uneducated hoard and would continue to be for many years. They would have different rulers but the rules would be basically the same.

They got to the Temple and Jesus Christ, on arrival, kicked over tables sending out those buying and selling pigeons to sacrifice.

“You make a bloody business of burning pigeons. This is not a temple of prayer but a den of thieves.”

Jesus healed a few people and oddly enough the Priestly Levites were flaming mad.

The crowd cheered. Jesus stood before the priests.

“You have kept my people ignorant so that you can have them as pet primates trained to praise your illusion of greatness. You are evil tyrants.”

Jesus was so raging upset with the farce that had been used to steel heaven from the life that had inherited it that he cursed the first fig tree that had no figs.

And it died. Which is simply a writer’s liberty. Jesus might of said, fuck, I’d like to eat a fucking fig. But such words do not bring death to a tree. Such stories are what we call, fiction. Fantasy.

“If you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can throw that hill in the sea.”

Also bullshit. Mustard seeds don’t have faith. And to get a hill into the sea you need many workers working many days. Physics doesn’t give a flying fuck how much faith any mad primates have.

After Jesus settled down, he went back to the temple to teach a new law.

“What gives you the right.”

Jesus could have said: those who see that something is wrong have no choice but to do what they can to right it. Life depends on our honest perception of it. Our honest perception will tell us what we do. And you ain’t it. Your lies have poisoned paradise.

But he asked them who they thought John was. Was his authority from God or man.

The crowds thought John was a prophet. And it served the Priests right for putting the meaning to the word. Prophet my ass.

Jesus does another story about two sons. Dad says, go do a day’s work. One says no but decides to do it anyhow. The other said yes but didn’t get off his ass. Like, in case you don’t get it, the Priest say they are doing the work of God but are thieving lying pricks with pretty dresses on. Tax collectors and prostitutes don’t have any status to boast about but they did listen to John the Baptist and Jesus Christ when they taught them that heaven was at hand.

The next one gets preached often.

Some guy rents out his vineyard and all what’s on it, and when he sends his slaves to collect his share of the harvest. The tenants kill some of them. So the guy sends more. Some of them get killed.

Then he sends his own son, in whom he is well pleased.

And they, the tenants, kill him.

Hang him on a cross.

Thou backwards, it’s the same kind of poetic justice so many writers use. David Copperfields of the world should always get the beautiful blond angel of eternal beauty and loving. And wild in bed and good in the kitchen.

And the Uriah Heeps of the world can burn in hell.

The priests didn’t like Jesus telling everyone they were the bad guys so they planned to arrest him. Jesus. This is the old Moses philosophy. Obey and submit or I kill you. Still a popular method among religious mad men.

Who owns the most shares in the Christ Business.

The illusion is that Christianity is not an extension of Judaism. When, in fact, Christianity is a daughter company of Judaism. This will become more clear when we get to Paul the woman hating Jew. And while you are wrapping your brain around that concept: Islam is also Jewish. And before you have studied all three books I, you narrator, will not listen to any arguments. Not even the fact that they like killing one another.

Judochristislam. The business of war. Religious leaders are the prostitutes of the warlords.

chapters 22 - 24