steve howard's translation of the Torah




chapter 37

More tedious building instructions. Again a repeat from 10 chapters earlier. The one where gold was in almost every sentence. The writers are trying to tire us out. Make us frustrated so that we long for war stories. Sit in the holy houses and let the priests tell us what it all means. So we don’t need to read or understand. We can watch television and do as we are instructed.

The sad truth of it is, there is little meaning in this chapter, or many before and after, beyond the building of a tent. A tent of luxury. If gold is truly a luxury.

Gold Gold God loves Gold. Gold is God. The slaves kill, fight and work to collect Gold and all the luxuries of decadence that follows its luster. And hand the most of it over to the grand tyrants.

And if this Men’s Club, with its thousand variations and names, can sell the God lie as truth, they can kill the truth and the obedient servants will believe they don’t want to be free and they will be content to work for the man by day and die slowly before their televisions by night.

I, your narrator, think, instead of plundering one another over and over and the earth until it is suffocated all for a little added illusionary luxury for the very few, we could be doing something else. First, a little real added luxury for all. Start with the end of tyranny and the beginning of freedom. And still we have billions with filthy drinking water and little or nothing to eat. And this all because Moses, and the men like him, want a tent of luxury and power over the ignorant masses.

Fight ignorance and mediocrity for it is suffocating us, all of life.

chapter 38

Other than a few details, nothing new is revealed.

We are talking the finest woven fabrics and fairly impressive dimensions. And in case there are those who have just joined us and don’t know what a cubit is; it’s the length between the elbow of a man of God and the end of his finger. Which could be estimated, depending on how big the fellow was, at a little less than 50 cms.

It is a cultural disaster. The western and near eastern world civilizations are built mostly on lies and tyranny stemming from the bloody Torah. It has poisoned out languages. Perhaps it has helped to preserve them. And perhaps it has helped to catapult us away from such primitive ways of perceiving.

Since the advent of metal, however, we have been out of our heads fuckin’ obsessed with it.

And murdering each other over it. With it.

While we destroy paradise, throw away life, ignore our chance to embrace the tree of life and live forever.

Unless you are building an alter to the death God of Gold, there is nothing to learn in yet another chapter of pointless detail.

For each man over twenty entered in the census taking, a half a shekel tax was required for the taking of the census. 603,550 fuckin’ ready to kill soldiers. Three million primates.


Maybe over 6. They had no condoms.

Stir crazy, cooked in the desert sun. All terrorized into worshipping a fickle God of revenge; itching to rape, pillage and destroy everything in their way to their promised land.

This is what our western religions and much of our culture is made of.

chapter 39

How to clothe the high priests of murder, rape and plunder is discussed in this chapter. Once again. The making of instead of the how to be made.

As usual, when God is Gold, Gold is needed to make the costumes for the demons of dictatorship. The holy whores of the warlords.

Right about now, someone might think I got some kinda problem with Jews or Christians or Moslems or the whole of the unholy trinity.

Well, I, your humble narrator, do have a serious problem. Religion has made me what I am. And that is.

Pissed off. Raging mad at good old time religions not at all good enough. None of their variations good enough. All outrageous mind fucks. Hateful to women and hateful to those of other not good enough religions. Crazy cults. Random rules and rituals of dopy primates.

Mad at the behavior of tyrannical lying primates who call themselves men of God. Robbing from us understanding and wakefulness. Stealing a real paradise in a real heaven. Propagating the lie that heaven is not here and only for the select few in a place that can only be reached after death.

War sucks for everyone but the warlords basking in gold and slavery. And again, I will repeat, the propagators of religion are the whores of the warlords. Cheep whores.

The making of ornamented hats. Massive headgear. Clown suits.

Gold is holy to the Lord.

So Lord Moses and his friends will have it everywhere in the holy tent.

“Cover my shitter in Gold.”

If the people didn’t like doing what Moses said, they could have a motherfuckin’ sword in the head.

So they did what he said.

And after the terrorized slaves of Moses did what he said, Moses put on his prettiest dress and blessed them.

“That’s a good bunch of Slaves. Procreate.”

chapter 40

The Lord and Moses get to talkin’ again. Repeating the how to do the rituals in the variation of the actual setting up the things for which to do the rituals. The foundation of Judochristislam. Hocus pocus.

The tabernacle and everything in it was consecrated. Which means, declared, in the name of Gold, that it was holy. Then there was anointing with the holy mixture that was concocted in chapter 30.

Vs. 15: This their anointing shall serve them for everlasting priesthood throughout the ages. EQ.

Moses had Aaron and his sons, whatever happened to wife and children of Moses.

I’ll tell ya.

Moses didn’t want them around.

He wanted the power of dictatorship and the asses of little slave boys. That’s just speculation based on conduct of holy leaders over the last many generations. He likely raped little girls too.

And when Moses got bored with his drunken orgies of depravity.

They would brake camp and go off to the next place.

As a sign that it was time to go, Moses would let the cloud of burning animal parts and fat go away. And the millions would pack up their family tents and move from their field of piss and shit to find a new place.

And for a little relief from their conditions, they could look forward to rape, pillage, murder and destruction.

But don’t get too excited yet, now that Moses has a holy tent, he will feel obligated to hand down some random rules of conduct for his sun cooked multitude.

leviticus chapters 01 - 03